Imperial Ebola 2018

Internal packages that are not yet (and in some cases ever) going on CRAN


  • EpiEstim (v 2.1-0, ): EpiEstim: a package to estimate time varying reproduction numbers from epidemic curves
  • cyphr (v 1.0.2, ): High Level Encryption Wrappers
  • montagu (v 0.6.1, ): Interface with 'montagu'
  • orderly (v 1.0.8, ): Lightweight Reproducible Reporting
  • orderlyweb (v 0.1.4, ): Orderly Support For 'OrderlyWeb'
  • projections (v 0.3.0, ): Project Future Case Incidence
  • vaultr (v 1.0.3, ): Vault Client for Secrets and Sensitive Data

If drat is not installed, first install from CRAN with


To install packages, run


after which packages can be installed as usual, for example:
